
BLAST at Hypermarkt

Extract from BLAST, the meeting of two different registers of found pictures, By Johan ATTIA.
BLAST is also the title of the self-produced book also available during HYPERMARKT 011.


Introducing Philippe Spigolon

Philippe Spigolon realizes many series of pictures from his close surrounding, around the city of Albi, in the deep west-south of France.
There will be presented at HYPErmarkt an extract of "Gîte de France", a selection of pictures taken inside these 60's style places usually rent in the deep countryside for a couple of days.

View of the installation

To discover more of his series :


Did you know Thomas MAILAENDER?

The series "Les belles images", by Thomas Mailaender is the perfect point of meeting between Ansel Adams and Bryan Adams.
world first in HYPERMARKT 011 : a digital specially framed limited issue of the project.

Take your time to visit his other crazy works

Introducing Gael Peltier

Gael Peltier is from Corsica, lives in paris and realized these strange and singular pieces in New-York. He was there to look after some material which could be used in movies and were a part of our subconsciousness common references.

Gael Peltier. We are the people (extract)

View of the exhibition at HYPERMARKT.011


Introducing JEAN PAUL CUIR..

First reason to come at HYPERMARKT 011:
Discover the indescribable photographic mounting of Jean Paul CUIR.

Jean Paul's installation at Hypermarkt.011

Jean PAUL's marvellous blog :